In the Long Run: Workbench Exercise


Now that we’ve learned several strategies and techniques to help us handle our anger in the long term, we’ll create some goals to help implement these strategies into our daily lives.

We recommend creating a weekly schedule like the following to keep up with the strategies you try long term.

This might require some time and planning, but the results will be worth it. Even if you get only a few minutes over a couple days a week, when you planned on doing more, that still counts.

Here’s an example of a developing a weekly schedule:

Part 4. Managing Anger in the Long Run: Workbench Exercise

You can use the form below to set up a similar schedule for the next week, or download our Implementing Skills Worksheet (PDF). It may be helpful to set reminders in your phone for each chunk of time you’ve set aside. 

Now that we’ve discussed strategies for long-term anger management and reducing anger levels, it’s time to put them into action. Consistency is key, so commit to the effort and remember that investing in yourself is truly worthwhile.

This marks the end of Part 4: Managing Anger in the Long Run!

A life with less anger in it is a life that’s much easier to enjoy (and share with others). 

Next Steps:

  1. Pause to Practice: Take a break to give yourself some time to process what you’ve learned, or read over Part 4 if there’s anything you want to review.
  2. Finish up the Anger Course (by clicking “Next”)