Reflecting on our anger will help us to better understand ourselves and make lasting change.
Reflecting on our anger will help us to better understand ourselves and make lasting change.
Now that we’ve learned several strategies and techniques to help us handle our anger in the moment, let’s look at using an Anger Tracking Log to help review and improve how we deal with situations that trigger our anger.
We’ll start with an example, then let you give it a try.
Think of the last 2-3 recent times you got angry. For one of them fill out the anger log below to the best of your memory. You can use your notes on your anger triggers from Part 2, or you can use different situations.
You can use the form below or download and use our Anger Tracking Log (PDF).
Reflecting on what you can do differently in the future, specific skills you can use, and how to implement them is crucial to making meaningful change.
You can save the log above to your device and/or bookmark this page to come back. Try to track your anger over the next couple weeks. Once you’ve done a few logs you can look back and see if there are any patterns that emerge, that may help us to manage or avoid certain things that keep triggering us, and also evaluate which strategies helped the most for reducing your anger.