Man's silhouette at sunset

“You have the strength to recover.”

Depression packs a hard punch.  But fighting – and beating – depression is possible, especially when you know that others have gone through what you’re going through and have come out on top. Below are some words of wisdom from men who know what it’s like and have shared their stories with HeasdUpGuys:


1. “One of the ways I know I’m feeling better is when I want to get out and run. Running is my ultimate therapy, it helps me meditate and burn off all the excess energy my brain holds when I’m not feeling 100%”

– Joel, BC, Canada

2. “Having a clinical psychologist really helped. Through her support, I was able to find the right medical combination and healthier coping approaches towards dealing with my depression.”

– Ric, Vancouver, BC, Canada

3. “Part of managing and recovering from depression is learning to be strong when I feel weakest. It’s learning that no matter how painful those emotions get, they will pass.”

– Josh, Vancouver, BC, Canada

4. “I have found that taking time to invest in myself through retreats to nature is one of the best cures for inner hurt.”

– Rob, Portland, Oregon, USA

5. “When all your instincts tell you to retreat inward, find and follow the path that leads back from darkness. It can be hard to find the strength to do it, but reaching out is crucial.”

– Tommy,  Nyköping/Stockholm, Sweden

6. “The simple act of raising my hand and admitting I needed some help really turned things around for me and I was surprised how supportive everyone was.”

– William, Wollongong, Australia 

7. “Remember that your mental health is closely tied with your physical health. The healthier we live our lives and focus on creating a sustainable, habitual, healthy lifestyle, the easier it is to get through the dark times.”

– Bill, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

8. “Be kind to yourself and understand that addressing your emotions and reconciling them takes time.”

– P., Canada

9. “Never put yourself in a situation where you have to shoulder the burden alone… Talk to someone about what you are going through. Find positive things/activities to do and channel your energy and emotion into it.”

– Adam, Brunei and UK

10. “Ridding yourself of depression is not about adding missing pieces to yourself, it is about letting go of all the thoughts that are telling you you’re not already complete.”

– Gogan, Vancouver, BC, Canada

11. “I thought when I first spoke up I was being weak, but in fact it was me talking about depression that ultimately made me tough and made me into the man I am today.”

– Julian, BC, Canada

12. “Nothing’s more important than your mental health. There’s lots of help out there, but you need to recognize that you need it before it can help you.”

– Jonathan, Vancouver, BC, Canada

13. “As odd as it sounds, getting that label from a psychiatrist provided something to rally around. I was the same person before being diagnosed as I was after, but I finally had something to pinpoint, rather than just some vague feeling that life, well, sucked.”

– Kevin, Canmore, Alberta, Canada

14. “By admitting that I suffered from depression and letting others help me on this journey, I have become more self-aware, sensitive, and compassionate not only to how I’m feeling but how others are as well.”

– Nelson, Saskatchewan, Canada

15. “Don’t buy into the lie that to struggle with mental health means you are any less of a person or a man.”

– Kevin, Victoria, BC and Toronto, Ontario, Canada

16. “Talk to friends or family members and if you feel that no one can understand, then go and speak to someone professionally. I’d even say start with a professional.”

– Jonny~Noel, Vancouver, BC, Canada

17. “Be your own best advocate. Only you know how you feel. Don’t hide away from what you need because society tells you it isn’t “manly” to ask for help. Find what helps you and commit to it. It takes real strength to admit that you need help and take action. “

– Alex, Wilmington, Delaware, USA

18. “It’s scary, it’s hard, and it’s not going to be easy. But putting yourself out there and simply engaging with one person whether it’s via phone, online, or in person is crucial into getting your mind outside of that fog.”

– Ricardo, Chicago, Illinois, USA

See our over 100 inspiring recovery stories.

Approved by the HeadsUpGuys Team - Combining lived experience, clinical practice, and research expertise. Medically reviewed by Dr. John Ogrodniczuk.
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